Trabalhos Publicados como resultado direto do Projeto
Trabalhos completos publicados em periódicos
P1. BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. ; BONACIN, R. (aceito) Design - Indicating Through Signs. Design Issues, v. 1, p. 1, 2007.
Methods for interactive systems design have traditionally drawn upon a conservative paradigm, which considers an objective reality to be discovered, modeled and represented in the software. This paper brings to discussion theoretical as well as practical issues on interaction design, proposing a framework in which we have articulated ideas inspired by Organizational Semiotics to conduct work in interactive system design. In the proposed approach, designing is a social process which focuses on problem setting as well as on problem solving. It involves a dialogue not only with design materials, but primarily among individuals (designers, developers, users and other stakeholders) in which different views of designing and different ways of framing design situations are contrasted. Several artifacts (informal, formal and technical) are used as communication and mediation tools with the participants during this process of designing the interactive system. A brief report on a case study related to the context of Computer-Supported Collaborative Work illustrates our proposal. [Artigo completo (PDF - 976KB) - senha requerida]
Capítulos de livros publicados
Cap 1. SIMONI, C. A. C. ; MELO, Amanda Meincke ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. Towards a Social-based Process for Information System Development: a Case Study. In: Pierre-Jean Charrel ; Daniel Galarreta (eds.). (Org.). Project Management and Risk Management in Complex Projects: Studies in Organizational Semiotics. Heidelberg: Springer, 2007, v. , p. 177-192.
The role played by the computer in organisations continues to evolve and increases in importance, since it mediates social relationships. To improve the information system development process we need a better understanding of the organisations and their internal and external interactions and dynamics. This paper aims at discussing a semiotic-based approach to the development of information systems. The proposed approach is illustrated with a case study in which a real organisation was exposed to methods of Organisational Semiotics to re-think its way of developing systems. This work has allowed us to verify the contributions of OS to the redesign of a IS development process in an IT organisation. [Capítulo completo (PDF - 415KB) - senha requerida]
Cap 2. BONACIN, R. ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. ; LIU, K. Interface Design for the Changing organisation: an Organisational Semiotics Approach. In: Kecheng Liu. (Ed.). (Org.). Virtual, Distributed and Flexible Organisations. The Netherlands: Springer, 2004, v. , p. 237-255.
Within the Organisational Semiotics (OS) perspective, software systems should be designed as part of the whole organisation in which it will be embedded. As organisations are in continuous change, the technical information systems should also be changing in line with their organisation’s informal and formal information systems. From the Software Engineering perspective, the difficulties of solving this problem are well known: changes in information systems are usually associated with high costs and its maintenance may cost more than the initial development. While literature in Computer Supported Co-operative Work (CSCW) acknowledges the importance of proposing approaches to deal with this issue, it also acknowledges that we are far from having this problem solved. In this paper we propose a norm driven environment for the system interface configuration, as a way of dealing with the complexity of allowing changes in the system as the organisational norms change. [Capítulo completo (PDF - 119KB) - senha requerida]
Trabalhos completos apresentados e publicados em anais de conferências arbitradas
C1. BONACIN, R. ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. ; SANTOS, T. M. . A Semiotic-Based Framework for the Development of Tailorable Web Applications. In: 12th International Conference, HCI International 2007, 2007, Beijing. Human-Computer Interaction. HCI Applications and Services LNCS 4553. Heidelberg : Springer, 2007. v. 4553. p. 859-868.
In face of the diversified individual and collective requirements of Web applications, we argue that the Web interfaces should be flexible enough to adapt or to be adapted to each usage context. We draw on the idea of Tailoring to design for flexibility. However, due to the additional effort to provide flexibility, usually the construction of a tailorable application results on higher costs and complex solutions. The objective of this work is to provide developers and designers with a framework to support the development of tailorable Web applications. This framework is based on a normative approach to describe the volatile requirements including social and pragmatics aspects of the system usage. In the paper we discuss the theoretical basis, describe the framework, and provide short examples of how to use it. [Artigo completo (PDF - 976KB) - senha requerida]
C2. BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. ; Neris, V. P. A. Using Patterns to Support the Design of Flexible User Interaction. In: 12th International Conference, HCI International 2007, 2007, Beijing. Human-Computer Interaction.Interaction Design and Usability LNCS 4550. Heidelberg : Springer, 2007. v. 4550. p. 1033-1042.
The social value of Web applications is in their potential to be the conduit for many different types of applications to many different people, using different resources and embedded in diverse contexts. Designing for flexibility involves many people, with different skills, interests and levels of commitment, including, designers, developers and users. Tailorable features in the user interface demand a clear bond between the phases in the whole software lifecycle, starting from requirements elicitation to the design and development stages. As interaction patterns have been considered a promising approach to bridge the gaps between analysis, design and implementation of usability related features, this work first investigates and synthesizes from literature a set of interaction patterns related to tailoring activities. From this analysis, a semiotic-informed categorization of tailorable user interface features is presented and discussed; an elicitation pattern for tailorable user interface features illustrates the usefulness of the proposal. [Artigo completo (PDF - 545KB) - senha requerida]
C3. BONACIN, R. ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. ; SANTOS, T. M. A Semiotic Approach for Flexible e-Government Service Oriented Systems. In: 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2007, 2007, Funchal, Madeira. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2007. Lisboa, 2007. v. ISAS. p. 381-386.
E-Gov is a multidisciplinary field which addresses many issues ranging from the social sciences to the technological ones. One of the big challenges is the underlying complexity to elicit and model requirements. In practice it is quite hard to encompass the requirements of all citizens or organisations involved in the project. To deal with this challenge we propose a flexible distributed systems approach, which allies tailoring concepts to Organisational Semiotics methods in a SOA based architecture. It is based on two Organisational Semiotics methods: the Semantic Analysis, which delivers a stable ontology of the context, and the Norm Analysis, that can be used to specify the volatile individual and collective requirements. The paper shows how norms changes in high level interfaces can have effect on different components of the software architecture. The architecture is experimented in a proof of concept for an e-Gov project. [Artigo completo (PDF - 157KB) - senha requerida]
C4. Neris, V. P. A. ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. End-user Tailoring: a Semiotic-informed Perspective. In: ICOS2007 International Conference on Organizational Semiotics, 2007, Sheffield. Proceedings of the International Conference on Organizational Semiotics. Reading, 2007. p. 47-53.
Currently more and more people use the Internet from different devices and different places: desktops, notebooks, palm tops and cell phones, at home, at work, at public kiosks, anywhere. The socialization of computer systems brought a new challenge to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers: how to design interfaces that are easy and enjoyable to use by so diverse people and situations of use? An answer to this question could be to offer the end-user the possibility of adapting the interface according to his/her preferences, needs and situations of use. This paper presents the main findings regarding end-user tailoring, in a short retrospective from literature and investigates a social perspective for tailoring, inspired on Organizational Semiotics. As a result, a Semiotic-informed categorization for end-user tailoring is presented considering the OS approach. [Artigo completo (PDF - 335KB) - senha requerida]
C5. BONACIN, R. ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. ; Reis J. C. Aspectos Pragmáticos da Interação com Sistemas de Governo Eletrônico Flexíveis. In: : Workshop on Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities for Human-Computer Interaction in Latin Ameria (CLIHC 2007) : Workshop on Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities for Human-Computer Interaction in Latin Ameria (CLIHC 2007), 2007, Rio e Janeiro. Proceedings of CLIHC 2007.
Sistemas de Governo Eletrônico (e-Gov) demandam interfaces flexíveis capazes de serem adaptadas a diversos contextos de uso. Através de ferramentas para Tailoring, interfaces poderiam ser adaptadas pelo cidadão e outras partes interessadas. Entretanto, estes ajustes podem ir além de simples escolhas e opções de visualização. Aspectos relacionados à semântica dos elementos da interface, a intenção de uso, e ao contexto pragmático-social devem ser considerados. Neste artigo é proposta uma infra- estrutura computacional, baseada na teoria e métodos da Semiótica Organizacional, para construção de sistemas Web flexíveis. A aplicação dos conceitos, técnicas e ferramentas são ilustradas através de protótipos de sistemas de e-Gov que simulam a adaptação a diferentes contextos de uso. [Artigo completo (PDF - 1364KB) - senha requerida]
C6. BONACIN, R. ; SIMONI, C. A. C. ; MELO, Amanda Meincke ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. Organisational Semiotics: Guiding a Service- Oriented Architecture for e-Government. In: ICOS 2006 - International Conference on Organisational Semiotics, 2006, Campinas, SP. Proceedings of the International Conference on Organisational Semiotics. Campinas, SP, Brasil : IDB Impressão Digital do Brasil, Gráfica e Editora, 2006. v. 1. p. 47-58.
E-Government is a multidisciplinary area which addresses many issues from the social sciences to the technological ones. In order to deal with interoperability problems many e-Government projects are adopting Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) solutions. However the service conception is not restricted to the technical issues, first we have to define the services and how they should be provided by the public area in a democratic and accessible way. We argue that e-Government requirements should be a result of a socially shared understanding of the context by all involved stakeholders. In this paper we propose a participatory approach based on Problem Articulation Methods (PAM) to guide an e-Government project conception. The approach is illustrated by a case study conducted with partnership of the Catanduva City Hall in Brazil. Preliminary results are presented showing how the proposed approach guided decisions that led to a solution based on SOA. [Artigo completo (PDF - 1062KB) - senha requerida]
C7. SOARES, S. C. M. ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. Customização Orientada a Normas para Trabalho de Grupos em Ambiente Escolar. In: SBC 2006 Anais do XXVI Congresso da SBC, WIE Workshop de Informática na Escola, 2006, Campo Grande, MS. Anais do XXVI Congresso da SBC, WIE Workshop de Informática na Escola, 2006. v. 1.
The use of computers and their resources is part of daily activities of students at school. These resources are used by schools with different purposes. This work investigates the use of a participatory and semiotic approach to allow active participation of children at school in the definition of norms associated to group work in a computational environment. The results are discussed illustrating the viability of the proposed approach. [Artigo completo (PDF - 1173KB) - senha requerida]
C8. SIMONI, C. A. C. ; BONACIN, R. ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. Autonomia do Usuário no Cenário de Mudança Contínua em Organizações. In: XXVI CSBC, XXXIII SEMISH Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware, 2006, Campo Grande MS. Anais do XXXIII SEMISH Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware, 2006. v. 1. p. 54-68.
Organizations are impacted with changes from several sources, such as: process reengineering, searching for quality, and competitors. Literature points out that we still have a gap between the dynamic of the system maintenance and organizational changes. In this paper we propose the combined use of Organizational Semiotics, that allows the understanding of the organizational and the technical contexts, and Tailoring, that proposes to cope with user autonomy in dealing with changes in computer systems, to cover this gap. We present a Case Study to explore and extend an existing approach to provide more autonomy to end users in changing systems according to the evolution and changes in their business requirements. [Artigo completo (PDF - 1153KB) - senha requerida]
C9. SOARES, S. C. M. ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. Avaliação de Interfaces pelo Usuário Final: Alunos em Ambiente Escolar. In: WIE/SBC2005 XI Workshop sobre Informática na Escola, 2005, São Leopoldo, RGS. Anais do XXV Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação. São Paulo : Sonopress Rimo, 2005. v. 1. p. 2576-2584.
This work investigates the new participatory method, Cooperative Cognitive Walkthrough, to evaluate interfaces with children and young children and presents the results of using this method with young students, at school, to evaluate interfaces of a website for children designed to allow the work of groups of students and its customization. The students participate of the software construction process with empowerment and actively. [Artigo completo (PDF - 942335KB) - senha requerida]
C10. SIMONI, C. A. C. ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. ; BONACIN, R. Bringing Social Constructs to the Information Systems Development Process: Contributions of Organizational Semiotics. In: ICEIS2005 Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2005, Miami, USA. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Portugal : INSTICC Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, 2005. v. 3. p. 112-119.
Literature has shown the influence of the social, cultural and organisational aspects involved in the process of developing information systems. The Unified Process (UP) has been widely used in the software industry, but literature has shown its drawbacks when applied to the modelling of human actions in the social and organisational contexts. Our research investigates the use of Organisational Semiotics (OS) methods combined with the UP to compose a complete cycle of system development, aiming at bringing social constructs to the development process of information systems. [Artigo completo (PDF - 14675KB) - senha requerida]
C11. SIMONI, C. A. C. ; MELO, Amanda Meincke ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. Towards a Social-Based Process for Information System Development: a Case Study. In: The 8th International Worshop on Organizational Semiotics, 2005, Toulouse, França. Proceedings of The 8th International Worshop on Organizational Semiotics. Toulouse : GRIMM Lab ISYCOM Team, Université Toulouse-le Mirail, 2005. v. 1. p. 1-15.
C12. BONACIN, R. ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. An Organizational Semiotics Approach Towards Tailorable Interfaces. In: The 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2005, Las Vegas, USA. Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Las Vegas, USA : Lawrence Erlbaum Ass., Inc. (LEA), 2005. v. 3. p. 1-12.
Organisations are in continuous evolution; as a consequence, the software systems demand continuous changes. However, maintenance of software systems is frequently associated with high costs. In this paper we present an approach based on the concept of tailorable interfaces, which permits users to modify groupware systems according to changes in the organisational context. We have used two methods from Organisational Semiotics: Semantic and Norm Analysis, to divide the system interface into two parts, one corresponding to the less likely to change and other corresponding to the more probable to change. Architecture and tools were proposed in order to support the definition and maintenance of the interface. The proposed approach is also analysed according to some relevant aspects of tailorable interfaces. [Artigo completo (PDF - 665KB) - senha requerida]
Resumos expandidos publicados em anais de conferências
Re1. BONACIN, R. ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. ; Trindade, J.C.L. Design and Evaluation of Tailorable Interfaces. In: 12th International Conference, HCI International 2007, 2007, Beijing. Posters. Heidelberg : Springer, 2007. p. 9-13.
The design of interfaces that allow tailoring in a simple and productive way has been a challenge. In this paper, we discuss the use of tailoring for supporting the design of flexible interfaces. We present a normative approach to promote tailoring within organisational contexts. Five proposals of norms modellers are evaluated using the Heuristic Evaluation and a Semiotic Evaluation. Besides presenting the problems found in the five proposals of tailorable interfaces, the findings also point out more generic issues to be addressed in the design of tailorable systems. [Artigo completo (PDF - 95KB) - senha requerida]
Re2. SIMONI, C. A. C. ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. ; BONACIN, R. User Autonomy in Requirements Changing Supported by Organizational Semiotics and Tailoring. In: ICEIS 2006 - Eigth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2006, Paphos, Cyprus. Proceedings of The Eigth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Portugal : INSTICC Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, 2006. v. 1. p. 493-496.
Nowadays, organizations are impacted with changes from several sources. Literature points out that we still have a gap between the dynamic of the system maintenance and changes in the organizational processes. To cover this gap we consider the use of practices from Organizational Semiotics, that allow a deep understanding of the organizational context and the technical system embedded in it, and Tailoring, that proposes how to provide autonomy to users in dealing with changes in computer systems. This paper presents a case study developed in our University to explore and extend an existing approach to provide more autonomy to computer system users, according to the evolution of their business requirements. [Artigo completo (PDF - 316KB) - senha requerida]
Re3. SOARES, S. C. M. ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. Towards a Participatory Approach to Support Interface Customization for Groups of Children. In: The 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2005, Las Vegas, USA. Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Las Vegas : Lawrence Erlbaum Ass., Inc. (LEA), 2005. v. 1. p. 1-5.
The use of the Internet and Web resources are already part of people’s daily activities at different ages and influence their way of life. The schools have already understood the value of Internet as medium and have also recognized its potential to facilitate knowledge access. This work investigates methods for the customization of web applications interfaces with the participation of the users. The work is illustrated with a case of study that involves customization of a portal for groups of children working in the scenario of a Brazilian school for 10 to 12 year old students. Preliminary results illustrate the proposed approach. [Artigo completo (PDF - 409KB) - senha requerida]
Resumos publicados em anais de conferências
R1. SOARES, S. C. M. ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C. Defining Norms for Group Work: a Semio-participatory Approach to Design with Young Students. In: CAL'07 - Computer Aided Learning 2007 Development, Disruption and Debate - D3, 2007, Dublin. CAL 07 - 'Development, Disruption and Debate' D3 - Abstract Book, 2007. p. 23-23.
The use of computers and their resources is part of daily activities of students at school. These resources are used by schools with different purposes. This work investigates the use of a participatory and semiotic approach to allow active participation of children at school in the definition of norms associated to group work in a computational environment. The results are discussed illustrating the viability of the proposed approach. [Artigo completo (PDF - 154KB) - senha requerida]
Artigos completos submetidos a periódicos
S1. Melo, A. M., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Soares, S.C.M. Design com Crianças: da prática a um modelo de processo.
S2. Accessibility and Interoperability in e-Gov Systems: Outlining an Inclusive Development Process Bonacin, R., Melo, A.M., Simoni, C.A;C., Baranauskas, M.C.C.